Come and sit with me for a moment and let me tell you something that’s been on my mind a lot lately. Today I was spending some time at my favorite place in camp; the Indian grinding rock (if you’ve not been to our camp before, it’s a big rock that overlooks the river). I love this place not just because it’s a beautiful place with a sweet view of the river, but because of the experiences I’ve had with God on that rock. Last summer God brought me through some really rough waters. Like, the hardest emotional trial of my life, kinda rough. I was a freak’in mess. And that rock was where I went when I needed to find peace. I poured out my heart to God like I have never done before in my life. It was so comforting to have a place where I could be alone and just talk to God when my world was so broken.

That place in camp has become my spot to meet with God and talk to him.
I’ve never felt more near to God than when I’m on that rock, by the river, talking to God. My trial is over now and God has been so good to me. But even now, with being on the other end of the trial, I still love to go to that rock and pray and thank God for his goodness.
After talking with other staff and campers, I’m realizing that many have had similar experiences of meeting with God at camp. And it has got me thinking; why is it that when we are at camp, away from all the distractions, and oftentimes out in the middle of nowhere, we have these amazing experiences with God.
I can’t stop thinking about how cool it is that so many people are having these unique experiences with God at camp. I like to call them “camp experiences.”
What is this “Camp Experience” and why does it only seem to happen at camp?
Camp experiences, or camp stories, are those unique times at camp where God meets with you in extraordinary ways. I keep asking myself this question and mulling over in my mind about why camp brings people so close to God. There must be something about being out in nature, God’s creation, that connects us to the Creator. When we are out in nature and not glued to our phones and our busy schedules, we have time to think about the things in life that really matter. It’s as if God is just waiting for us to unplug from our world and come to His so He can meet with us.
“Be still, and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10
Another huge factor in these camp experiences is being still. When we are still and spend time in solitude, that is when God comes and meets with us and speaks to us. I can see how at home, it is harder to find these times to be still. At camp, you are kinda forced into it having these extended quiet times, and oftentimes against your will.

Camp may be a fun place that is full of lots of adventures and fun activities but there’s no doubt that camp has a special place in Gods’ heart. God uses nature and solitude to reach people in unique ways. These camp experiences are the most beautiful part of the camp and a constant reminder to me that God truly is at work!
What’s your camp experience?
Camp experiences can range from God speaking to you through a quiet time in his word to physically hearing God speak to you. Have you ever had one of these “camp experiences”? If so, I’d love to hear how God met with you while at camp. If you’ve never been to camp then I would highly encourage you to come out to camp this summer! And come with a heart open and ready to experience God more. When you immerse yourself in God’s creation, be ready, because God is gonna meet with you in new ways!