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Staff Interview: Lily Axtell, 2019 Volunteer

Every summer at Rock-N-Water looks different. Water levels vary from summer to summer, canyons shift and change, but the most explicit changes are seen in our staff. Some come, some go, but regardless of what role we may take, you can be sure that we all grow.

One of the things that look different each summer is our volunteer program – our summer-long program where 5-7 individuals volunteer their time and strength to be discipled and trained as future adventure guides (learn more here). Without these awesome groups of guys and gals, Rock-N-Water might as well be up a river without a paddle.

We wanted to share a bit of what one might expect to take away when serving as a volunteer at camp. Below is an interview with one of our 2019 volunteers, Lily Axtell. Check it out!

Why did you originally want to volunteer at Rock-N-Water?

I had met some amazing Rock-N-Water staff members and they told me about camp. I was super interested in what Rock-N-Water was doing, but I truly admired the people who worked there. They were such honest people with their faith and I wanted to be surrounded by that more.

How has that changed now that you are here at camp?

My passion for ministry and adventure has only grown since I have been at camp. I have made so many friends and my love for the Lord has deepened more than it ever has.

What is your biggest takeaway from this summer so far? Why?

My biggest takeaway so far has been that my identity is strictly found in Jesus. A lot of the times it is hard to find your worth in Jesus when there are other distractions all around. However, Rock-N-Water really helps you ground your roots deep in Jesus rather than other identities of the world.

What’s been your favorite part so far? Least favorite part so far? Why?

My favorite part so far has been living in a close community with this family. Living with people who have the same mindset as you all while enjoying God’s creation to the fullest is the biggest blessing.

My least favorite part would have to be the fact that I can’t live here all year round; that I can’t see these people throughout the whole year. However, it truly makes you so grateful for the summer that you have and encourages you to pour out everything you have to serve.

What are you most looking forward to before the summer is over? Why?

I am most looking forward to continuing to learn with the other volunteers. We have grown so close over the past few months and have come a long way. It is amazing to see all the experiences we have had and the wisdom people have poured out over us. I am excited to see that come into practice when we get checked off to guide and start taking on bigger responsibilities.

How has Jesus revealed Himself to you this summer?

The Lord has really revealed Himself to me through this tight-knit community of believers. He has been showing me what is it like to live life with other believers that are all working towards the same goal. Through Rock-N-Water He has shown me a glimpse of what the Kingdom of God is like. He has been setting a new desire in my heart to seek higher things and go deeper in ministry. I have never really felt a call into ministry directly, however, God used Rock-N-Water’s ministry to draw me in and reveal to me that this is something that I want to do forever.

How have you been able to partner with Jesus to reveal Him to others as a volunteer?

I have been partnering with Jesus for supernatural joy. As a volunteer, a lot of hard work is poured out and at times it might be hard to keep a good attitude. However, this summer, the Lord has given me supernatural joy that I can spread with campers that come in and out of camp. For example, there was one time where a camper asked me why I was happy all of the time and I was able to just share with her how Jesus transforms hearts and that all my joy is fully from Him. He has also given me new eyes to see brokenness and where I can be a beacon of light to others. I got the opportunity to sit with some campers and just listen to their stories and the stuff that was going on back home. I was able to give hope in their situations and show them that someone deeply cares for them.


Interested in joining Rock-N-Water’s mission to impact people through God’s creation? Learn more here. Did you like this interview-style post? Check out more staff interviews here.


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