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Let the on-season of 2011 begin!

It was a great start to the on-season this week as we starting things off with a blast.

  1. We moved the office into camp and sang praises to God when it all was completed without any problems. Power… Check! Phone Lines… Check! Internet… Check! Wahooo!

  2. Our 49er Fun living history program got started at full speed with a Prospector, Mother Lode, and a Double Jack all in the same week.

  3. We created a Youth Ministry Leadership Retreat with 50% off on specific dates in September for church Youth Pastors, student ministry adult volunteers, and High School Juniors or Seniors involved in their youth group as student leaders.

  4. Not to be outdone, the kitchen introduced a brand new Hot lunch to the 49er Fun menu to the rave reviews of both 4th graders and adults.

Thank you for all of your prayers as we help youth experience God through adventures in His creation.


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