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Keeping the Adventure Spirit Alive While You’re Stuck at Home

It may still seem a bit unreal to you.  It still does to me.  The whole world seems to have stopped.  Schools are closing, events are being canceled, and for goodness sake, why is there still no more toilet paper!? (I’m sorry, I still just can’t get over how strange the toilet paper shortage is.)

Anyway, I’m sure you know what I’m talking about.  The coronavirus.  I read something in my news feed today that said that we are currently living through the pages of a future history book.  The COVID-19 pandemic is making history right now and we are right in the middle of it.  Let that sink in for a minute.  We are living through a worldwide pandemic that is making history!

The government has been telling us to self-quarantine and practice social distancing to help keep the COVID-19 from spreading.  Maybe staying home all day isn’t much of a problem for you.  If you’re an introvert (like me!) this self-quarantine order may feel like heaven.  But if you’re not, and being indoors all-day makes you itch for some sort of escape, it can be hard to be stuck at home.

Staying home and away from large crowds of people may be the best way to keep the virus contained, but I won’t lie; it can be hard. Especially for those of us who love adventure and need life to be spicy so we don’t go stir crazy. I’ve been doing some thinking, and I came up with some ideas of things that you can do to keep your adventure spirit up while your normal adventures have to be put on hold.  So let’s get started!

Adventure Outside

The government hasn’t told us we can’t go outside!  I don’t know about you, but just going outside and feeling the sunshine on my skin and the fresh breeze will brighten any bad day I have. Yes, you may not be able to do your normal type of adventures, but there are many great outdoor activities that you can still do that follow the rules for social distancing, such as going on a walk around your neighborhood, taking a hike on a lesser-known hiking trail, going for a bike ride, or even jumping on a boat and getting on the water.  If you’re sick of being inside, choose something and just go outside!  (But please do abide by the rules the government has set in place and keep your distance as you get outside.)

Adventure with a Book

You may have had to put your travel plans on hold due to the COVID-19.  This is unfortunate, but you’re not alone.  Everyone’s plans have been put on hold in some way because of the Coronavirus.   But let me introduce you to another way of traveling (and you don’t even have to leave home to do it!): Grab yourself and good a book, and you can travel anywhere you want to go.  Travel to a faraway fantasy land full of knights in shining armor, or read a book about your next adventuring spot so you can be even more prepared when you go.  With all this time on your hands, now’s the best time to get cozy on the couch, grab yourself some hot tea (or coffee) and start that new book you’ve been putting off!

Adventure in the Kitchen

Restaurants are closing on every block, and your favorite sit-down diner is turning into a to-go service only.  I’m a huge coffee lover and it makes me sad to see all my favorite coffee shops closing their doors during this pandemic.  As soon as this pandemic is over I know where I’m headed (out to get coffee!). But I realized that this time may just be the perfect opportunity to try some of your cooking skills at home. Cooking can be quite an adventurous endeavor, full of risky decisions and new flavors. Grab that old cookbook, dust off the cover (hopefully it’s not too dusty), and cook up something yummy for dinner.  Maybe even try re-creating your favorite meals from the restaurants that are closed.  Make it fancy, too!  Who says you can’t break out the candles and fine china to make it a special dinner? I’ve decided to up my coffee-making game at home since I can’t go out to my favorite coffee shops anymore.  So cook a new meal and have fun in the kitchen!

Learn a New Adventure Skill

Have you ever wanted to learn something new but just couldn’t find the time? Well, with this COVID-19, so many of us are finding ourselves with more time than we know what to do with. What if after this pandemic is over, you were able to have a new skill under your belt?  There are so many resources available online for learning new skills.  If you want to learn anything, I promise you, there’s a YouTube video for it.  Maybe it’s a new skill that will come in handy on your next adventure.  Now’s the best time to learn it!

Adventure with the Family

Everyone is finally under the same roof again.   Kids are home from school and parents are working from home.  Now is the prime time to plan some quality family time.  Your family members are your built-in adventure partners during your time in quarantine.  Your adventuring may look a bit different with the vast range of ages and interests in your family, though; it may look more like building forts in the backyard or having an epic family movie night.  This extended time at home together is a great time to play games, have meals together, and just enjoy being home together. Who knows when the next time everyone will be home together will be, after this quarantine blows over?

Adventure into Technology

Just because you can’t go hang out with your adventure friends because of the social distancing rules, doesn’t mean you can’t still talk to them and keep up your communications with them. Thanks to the technology we have today, we can even have face to face conversations while being miles apart.  Don’t ignore your buddies.  They need you during this time!  Chat with them through text, video calls, or even good old-fashioned snail mail.  By the end of this quarantine time, I have decided I will be a master at zoom conference calls, which is something I’ve never imagined or even wanted to have on my list of skills. Technology is definitely something we can be thankful for during this time.

Adventure With God

Most importantly during this time, don’t forget that God is the one in control.  He’s the one allowing the COVID-19 to come into the world and He’s got a plan for all of it.  So you can trust God during this time.  If you’re scared or worried about the virus, take those concerns to God.  We don’t have to be afraid of anything, because nothing–not even a virus–can keep us from God’s love.  Make sure you are giving God some of your quarantine time.  I heard someone say that this time at home is a gift and what if we could come out of it refreshed and renewed.  What if we take this time to renew our walk with God and form habits of getting back into his Word each day?  If we come out of this pandemic with a closer walk with God and good habits of being in his Word, then won’t it all be worth it? God’s the greatest adventure we could ever pursue during this time at home!

Go Find Your Adventure

Are you ready for some adventure now!? Being stuck at home is no reason to put your adventure spirit on hold.  It simply means adventure is gonna look a bit different.  You may have to lower your expectations a bit, and that’s okay.

The amazing thing about being people who love adventure is that we have learned to adjust and to be able to adapt to the ever-changing environment.  This is just another way we need to adapt to the change and find adventure in new ways!  So get out there and find your adventure (but please stay safe and stay healthy)!


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