Have you ever climbed a mountain before? I love climbing mountains because whenever I am surrounded by huge mountains that make me feel tiny I can’t help but be filled with wonder and awe of our amazing God!
Climbing mountains isn’t easy. But I can guarantee you that when you climb mountains the climb will be worth every step. Once you finally make it to the top you will be rewarded with a spectacular view. Nothing can compare to the feeling you get as you take in the view. Standing there, on top of the world, enveloped in the magnitude of the view, your heart skips a beat, and you find yourself wishing that this moment could last forever. The feeling of accomplishment sweeps over you as you realize that you have just conquered a mountain.
When I think about my love for the mountains, I realize that in life we have mountains we must climb too. It’s a different type of mountain. I have had to climb many mountains in my life and I know there are still many I have yet to climb. Some mountains are small, but some are huge. But let me tell you something; our God is so good! He is always right beside us as we climb these mountains.
Maybe you’re in the middle of climbing a mountain right now. It can seem hard, even impossible at times. The temptation to give up is strong. I mean, just think. If you turn around it’s all downhill. Giving up is easy to do, but if we don’t persevere and get to the top of the mountain we will miss out on the blessings that God has waiting for us at the top.
Psalm 25:3 says “No one who hopes in the Lord will ever be put to shame.” I have come to love this verse when I’m in the middle of climbing my mountains. It such a comforting reminder that when we hope in the lord and keep taking the next step, we won’t be disappointed. God will be with us and he will help us make it to the top of the mountain.
“Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6
If you ever feel like the mountain God has placed in front of you is daunting remember that God promises to always be right there with you. He says He will never leave you nor forsake you. Even when it feels like you are all alone, or when you have no strength left; God is with you.

Climbing Mountains Requires Training
As I said before, it isn’t easy climbing a mountain. I have realized that when I climb a mountain I am usually huffing and puffing with each step I take. My legs ache and sometimes I needed to stop and rest. The only reason I am able to keep going and get to the top is because of training.
No one just climbs a huge treacherous mountain without training for it. You prepare for climbing mountains by climbing smaller mountains. As you do this your muscles get stronger and your endurance grows so that you can tackle the bigger mountains. Without this constant training, you will end up burned out way before you even get to the top.
Well, did you know that climbing the spiritual mountains God gives us takes training too? What’s amazing is that God has given us all we need to climb the mountains we face. He gave us His Word! God’s Word is like our training manual. It not only tells us how to take the next step but it gives us the strength we need to keep on climbing. If we neglect God’s Word when we are climbing our mountains it won’t be long before we find ourselves exhausted and gasping for air. Without proper preparation, the mountains we face will soon consume us.
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105
We need to be digging deep into God’s Word each day as we climb our mountains. God’s Word keeps us on the right path that leads us on the quickest way up the mountain. If we don’t let God’s Word guide us we find ourselves going in circles hopelessly trying to make our own way up the mountain, which usually results in a longer and harder climb. So remember to always keep God’s Word close by your side as you climb.

“The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.” Jeremiah 58:11
One last thing that is important when climbing mountains is to remember that the view that awaits us at the top is what keeps us going. As we are climbing we can’t always see what awaits us at the top. All we see are trees and shrubs. The view is not very pretty or breathtaking. But we have to keep pushing on until we reach the top if we want to be rewarded with a spectacular view.
As we are climbing we usually can’t see what the outcome will be of the trail. God simply asks us to trust Him that it will all turn out to be beautiful in the end. Sometimes it’s scary not knowing what you are going to find at the top. But once you get to the top, trust me, the things you will see will be worth every step. You may get to glimpse more of God’s glory! The climb will be worth it because we will be able to see how God used this mountain to show you more of His purposes for your life.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
Whatever mountain you are facing. Don’t give up. Stay in the Word and keep climbing. Keep your focus on God’s blessing that awaits you and the top, and I promise you, the view will be worth it!