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A Heart of “Gratitude” (Reflections on Last Year’s Camp Song)

Have you ever realized that God will use certain songs to speak to you during certain seasons in your life?

I have noticed, that each summer, God puts a new song into my life during my time at camp. Usually, it’s a song that I first hear at the beginning of summer and I don’t think much of it. But after hearing it again and again, and as it becomes more familiar, it begins to become special to me.

Each summer, without fail, a specific worship song stands out above all the others and gets marked in my memory as the song for that summer. As I sit here writing this post and reflecting on this last summer at Rock-N-Water, God definitely came through and brought a new song to my attention. Slowly and after hearing it many times, this sweet song became dear to me and became a theme for last summer.

The song was “Gratitude” by Brandon Lake.

I remember the first time hearing it.  I was sitting at one of the campfires at camp and this song was sung. The song was still new and unfamiliar to me. I didn’t think much about the song, until a few days later when my sister came to me telling me she found this new song that she absolutely LOVED and that I had to listen to it.  Can you guess what the song was?  The same song I had heard earlier at the campfire.

Over the course of Summer, this song became more and more familiar to me. It began speaking to my heart and reminding me of how good God has been to me and how much gratitude I owe him.

The chorus of this song goes;

“So I throw up my hands And praise You again and again ‘Cause all that I have is a hallelujah Hallelujah And I know it’s not much But I’ve nothing else fit for a King Except for a heart singing hallelujah Hallelujah

campfire at camp

This song is a much-needed reminder of our unworthiness compared to a worthy God. When we come before God, we truly don’t have anything good to offer Him.  All we have to offer is a hallelujah. A heart that is full of gratitude for all that God’s done. A heart that knows that nothing we offer is fit for a king, but our good Father still accepts our humble sacrifice of praise.

A heart of gratitude is not always easy but it is one of the most beautiful responses we can have toward the Gospel. If you’ve never heard this song I would encourage you to listen to it. Let the words really sink in and become a prayer to our God who is so worthy of our love and gratitude.

I’m posting a link to this song here; Gratitude by Brandon Lake

I hope and pray you all have a blessed week!

What are your favorite camp songs? Has God ever put a certain song on your heart during a certain time in your life? Do you have a song from the Summer or this past year that stood out to you?

We would love to hear from you all. Let us know in the comments any songs that are dear to your heart and have helped you grow closer to God.


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